Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Statement

Before I came to this class, I had believed I had the basic logistics of drawing down. I was gravely mistaken. Starting with the line drawing seemed a little on the unnecessary side, yet had I not done that exercise, I would be forever stuck at square one. As I progressed into the perspective studies, I felt my understanding of the subject was honed, along with my line variation.
            Drawing outside, I felt, was the best assignment to show our skill at perspective drawings, because the distance of the subject being drawn was extended to show the expanded space.
            Learning to draw circles and elipses in perspective was both fun and instructive. With this knowledge, I now know how to draw a cup or other cylindrical object at a distance in the best perspective without any wonkiness.
            My ink drawing on bond paper was particularly fun for many reasons. For one, it was a break from drawing with the old ebony on news print. Also, I was surprised that I did not mess up very much drawing with a permanent medium. Practicing so much with the ebony has helped better my skill at drawing my subject as correct as possible.
            We continued drawing regular still life for the majority of the class, using varieties of media and going at different angles. Drapery was added into our arsenal of objects to draw, which is always fun to create. We were given a homework assignment in which we were required to draw a self-portrait, with accurate proportions. After that assignment, we began drawing portraits of others. I experimented drawing portraits both as a head-to-shoulder profiles and almost full-body profiles. We began drawing fifteen minute portraits, so we could get down the general shapes of the head, shoulders, and ear placements. Since we got quicker and better, we gradually went down to ten minute drawings, then to five minute drawings. It was a fun exercise, and it really helped me examine my subject and draw it faster. 
             I think as I, as well as the entire class, have made better progress with each new subject and new medium with which to draw. I am glad that I now know all the little things that make up this broad subject of drawing. 

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